Inspired by a little-known picture book from the pen of Bethany Tudor, this is a diary, of sorts, where I document some of my thoughts, activities, and ideas as I explore the challenges met by the characters in the story: hard work, the care and nurture of others, housekeeping skills, life changes, charity, community, and cooperation, among others. Like Samuel and Samantha, the ducks in the tale, I struggle and succeed, cope and celebrate, work and play, handling the tasks that come my way. I invite you to join me on my journey.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Accountability Update JANUARY 2007

Wow! I can hardly believe the first month of 2007 is already history. My father was right; time really does speed up as I age.

I had no stated goal for January in either accountability area as I was scrambling just to finish an evaluation of November and December 2006. However, that doesn’t mean I am absent a standard by which to judge my performance. I will use the two overall goals of reducing the amount of time it takes to complete organizational/remodeling projects in my home and reducing the amount of money spent on restaurant food.

Remember, my rating scale is as follows:

1: Failed miserably. No progress whatsoever.
2: Tried, but couldn’t do it. No significant progress.
3: Making progress. Halfway there.
4: Came close. More effort needed.
5: Did it! All goals met.

Overall rating: 2

In order to reduce the amount of time it takes to finish organizational/remodeling projects in my home (which implies completion of such a project), work on a project must actually occur. The only activity that qualified here was the ordering of a four-drawer cabinet unit for my bedroom closet. Since the trip to Home Depot to accomplish this task was something more than nothing, I chose to award myself a “2.” I tried, but I didn’t make any significant progress.

February goal: sort and clean the master bedroom closet & the armoire

Overall rating: 1

Since the December restaurant total fell to an unheard-of level below $1000, I have a new benchmark low to inspire my efforts. Unfortunately, January must have been a very uninspired month, as my restaurant expenditures once again soared beyond that magic $1000 mark. January total: $1202.26. One positive in this area: I am beginning to equate dollar amounts of restaurant visits to home improvement items. Example: $40.00 spent on Sunday lunch (tip included) would purchase 20% of the aforementioned four-drawer closet cabinet.

February goal: $600.00

Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established. --- Proverbs 16:3 NASB

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