Inspired by a little-known picture book from the pen of Bethany Tudor, this is a diary, of sorts, where I document some of my thoughts, activities, and ideas as I explore the challenges met by the characters in the story: hard work, the care and nurture of others, housekeeping skills, life changes, charity, community, and cooperation, among others. Like Samuel and Samantha, the ducks in the tale, I struggle and succeed, cope and celebrate, work and play, handling the tasks that come my way. I invite you to join me on my journey.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

New from Bruce Springsteen

This evening, after my husband finished exploring iTunes, I found this new song from Bruce Springsteen.  I will definitely be purchasing the album (Wrecking Ball) that contains this number, We Take Care of Our Own.

This piece is great, too.  Enjoy!

No compensation was received for any of the product recommendations in this post.

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