Inspired by a little-known picture book from the pen of Bethany Tudor, this is a diary, of sorts, where I document some of my thoughts, activities, and ideas as I explore the challenges met by the characters in the story: hard work, the care and nurture of others, housekeeping skills, life changes, charity, community, and cooperation, among others. Like Samuel and Samantha, the ducks in the tale, I struggle and succeed, cope and celebrate, work and play, handling the tasks that come my way. I invite you to join me on my journey.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The New Arrival

Yesterday, my daughter and I picked up our new kitten at the local pet store (as if two felines in the household were not enough). His name is Chopin and he looks quite a bit like our oldest cat, Fermata (see Meet My Alarm Clock). Because of this similarity in appearance and because the latter has a name that refers to a musical notation symbol, we chose a musical name for the new guy as well. He seems to be acclimating appropriately, although the other cats are reserving judgment on his arrival at the moment. Fortunately most of the hissing and posturing has passed. The humans in the home, including some of our friends, have pronounced him “a keeper” and are enjoying his rambunctious behavior and toddler-like curiosity, though I’m not sure I appreciate his penchant for drinking from my mug of green tea, or his burning desire to hang from the bird cage. Oh, well. I brought him into the house so I will just have to stay on my toes for a while! Enchanté, minou.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

He's a cutie! Chelsea cannot wait to come over to hold him. The Fin and Feather police wouldn't let her when we saw him at the shop.