Inspired by a little-known picture book from the pen of Bethany Tudor, this is a diary, of sorts, where I document some of my thoughts, activities, and ideas as I explore the challenges met by the characters in the story: hard work, the care and nurture of others, housekeeping skills, life changes, charity, community, and cooperation, among others. Like Samuel and Samantha, the ducks in the tale, I struggle and succeed, cope and celebrate, work and play, handling the tasks that come my way. I invite you to join me on my journey.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Crazy Wednesday

This is the third in a series of seven postings chronicling a week in the life of a homeschooling family.

Normally, Wednesday is the craziest day of the week at my house, what with piano lessons, music composition class, and handbell rehearsal all scheduled within a six-hour time frame. But today, Katherine the Great came down with her first cold of the season, so we scaled back our commitments a bit, canceling composition class and taking a sick day from school. Kate still read a little in her Book Club selection, but otherwise I let her rest.

So what did get finished around here on my not-so-crazy Wednesday? Not much in the way of checklist productivity, quite a bit in the way of people connectivity.

Began treating Katherine the Great for her first cold of the season

TEACHER: Homeschool
Reading time: Blink by Ted Dekker
Piano lesson
Handbell rehearsal
Algebra homework (small amount)

Called LF re: prayer list

Dinner date with King Richard to celebrate 21st wedding anniversary

One load of jeans laundry
Folded clean clothes from previous laundry loads
Paid more November bills

Wrote to Mr. K, telling him about our family
Tea with my friend LM
Weekly phone call with SP, my friend in Florida
Scheduled child care/pizza night with Koalagirl15
Spoke with my mother about Christmas gift ideas
Accepted invitation to Thanksgiving Teen Party

Verified church commitments for the weekend

Online Christmas shopping
Called Hearthsong re: incorrect item shipment

Setback of the day: a sick person in the house. I don’t have any trouble caring for people when they fall ill. It just requires some juggling, and some discernment to determine exactly how sick the person really is (or could become). For colds, I start the patient on Zicam® Rapidmelts at the first sign of symptoms, steam their sinuses every four hours and, if necessary, gently irrigate their sinuses with a saline solution periodically throughout the day. The latter really helps reduce congestion! Eliminating dairy products usually helps reduce congestion as well, at least it works for my patients.

Great moment of the day: having a laugh with my friend, LM. She is a newly diagnosed cancer patient and it was reassuring to me, as the wife of a cancer survivor, to see how well she is handling the situation thus far. As a practicing Christian, she understands that she can rest in the promise that God works everything for good, even though it might not be the good that she can see at any given moment.

Tasks Left Undone at End of Day
Reading time: The Seven Checkpoints by Andy Stanley
Reading time: Blink by Ted Dekker

See you on Thursday.

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