Inspired by a little-known picture book from the pen of Bethany Tudor, this is a diary, of sorts, where I document some of my thoughts, activities, and ideas as I explore the challenges met by the characters in the story: hard work, the care and nurture of others, housekeeping skills, life changes, charity, community, and cooperation, among others. Like Samuel and Samantha, the ducks in the tale, I struggle and succeed, cope and celebrate, work and play, handling the tasks that come my way. I invite you to join me on my journey.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

No More Complaints

Yesterday I was complaining a bit about how cold it was here in my part of New England. After all, I had been spoiled with 50ºF and 60ºF temperatures for most of December. Well, right on cue (as usual) the Lord gave me a “perspective check.” My husband forwarded this photo from his online mailbox. Needless to say, I stopped complaining pretty quickly (at least about the cold weather). Have a great Saturday!

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